Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Simple Life

Last Friday, my laptop died. It was a very disconcerting experience and I was wondering what I would do when it is sent for repairs. Although luckily for me I have been able to use Jachin's home computer, it is a lot slower than mine and I also don't have access to a lot of files because of it. I am wondering if God is trying to show me how dependent I am on my computer, and even internet access. Not having to check email or surf the internet so easily makes me feel like I have so much more time. And as I reflect back upon my message of peace from last Sunday, I begin to realize that the technology that in many ways has made my life easier has also been robbing me of some peace of mind. Getting weaned off of my laptop has been an emancipating experience. Sure I am not as connected and it does take longer to do things with this older computer than my laptop, but sometimes (more like most of the time) I end up spending too long at the computer when I could have been doing something else. My life has been simplified and slowed down a bit (Heck, I can't even upload a picture on this blog for whatever reason!) and I am sure it's not for the worse. (Of course I still have TV, but God is gracious, and to not have my laptop and TV at the same time might be more than I can bear. Thank you, Lord.) May you experience the simplicity and peace that comes from a broken laptop this week.

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