Tuesday, April 15, 2008


From the EXPELLED website:
Whether you realize it or not, you are in a war. It is a war that has been going on since recorded history. From the exchange between Eve and the serpent, truth has always been questioned. And reality is that truth is being pushed out of our consciousness slowly but surely. As people who believe that the earth and the rest of the universe was created by God, we get ridiculed as people living in fantasy land while those who believe in evolution are the "educated" ones, even if it takes just as much faith if not more to believe their "theory" that seems to have evolved into "fact." Ben Stein made a movie called EXPELLED! regarding the current state of the academic community regarding this issue of creation vs. evolution. Click on the link and watch the super trailer; very interesting stuff!


I am amazed to see what is being taught in the highest academic communities, the colleges and universities. Christians need to be informed of this, and this movie can be a great start. As the salt and light of the earth, we are called to make a difference and can be silent no longer. How do we fight? Share the Gospel with as many people as possible and teach the truth always. We can also lobby for fairness and more balanced teaching in our schools, colleges, and universities. And above all else, pray that God would make the truth known!

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