Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blessed are the pure in heart. . .

. . . for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)

This picture totally reminds me of God as a cosmic being, and if you stare long enough, you may even see a face in the dust. But seeing God is not something that is for everyone. Matthew 5:8 was spoken by a very trustworthy source, yet how many of us actually "see" God? John MacArthur says that a more literal translation to "They shall see God" would be, "They shall be continuously seeing God for themselves." The pure in heart are the ones that are walking in step with God, seeking him and obeying what he commands. Is it then any wonder that when you are walking with God, you will see him? Of course we can't see God visually, but we can definitely see his fingerprints in our own lives and the lives of others if we are pure in heart. What others may quickly dismiss as "coincidence" or "unsolved mystery" the pure in heart see as God's work. Sometimes we see God in the miraculous, like an open door where there once was none. Or we may see him in something as mundane as washing dishes. The possibilities are endless because whether we see him or not, God is everywhere. Seeing God is no small thing. Is it any wonder that a person who is pure in heart is blessed? I pray that you will be blessed with a pure heart so that you will see God today.

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