Friday, April 18, 2008

Can You Take the Bible "Literally"? Part II

Previously, I posted part of a letter from Greg Koukl of Stand To Reason. In his letter, Greg discussed the most practical way to read the bible is not unlike the way you read the sports pages.

If it states a fact or an event, take it literally. If it states something metaphorically or poetically, take it that way. Greg suggests that we don't think one sports team LITERALLY "crushed" another team when we read that in the sports section of our newspaper - we take it to be a metaphor for "defeating the other team decidedly." Likewise, we don't literally think God's Holy Bible can shine a light onto a darkened path at nighttime. We would use a flashlight or lantern for that purpose.
So now one might ask, when do you take the Bible "literally" and when do you take it - say, "metaphorically"? Greg has an opinion...

Let's see the rest of his letter... (click image to enlarge.)

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