Friday, April 4, 2008

What Happened to "Heal Our Land"?

What the hey? I go to check the mail this afternoon and what do I find?
Another broken window

But this time there's... evidence!

This does not look like our "land" being healed to me! The weird thing is that I was at church all day except for a couple of hours in between when I was at a lunch meeting. It must have happened at that time because I don't think it was broken when I got there, and I don't think it was broken anytime I was in the office because I think I would've heard the pellet hitting the glass. It's so easy to want to unload on the person that does this, but really should we expect anything different? What can we expect from someone that neither knows God nor acknowledges his ways. And that's how we all were before the mercy and love of God saved us. And even though the person that did this would be considered an enemy of God, isn't that the kind of person that God loves and saves? Of course it is. Let us pray for the person that did this would be forgiven, because it is obvious that he or she "knows not what they do." And pray for our church too because changing these windows are really expensive!

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