Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Heal Our Land Part I - Go to Prayer. . . Meeting!

Guess who came to prayer meeting last Wednesday?

Prayer meeting attendance has been very. . . shall we say. . . not so good, lately. Last week we had just 2! Including me! But let's be honest here: attendance has never been good. At best, we'd get 10 English congregation members. Coming together as a community of believers to pray for our ministries, our members, as well as other needs in our area, or even the world is important and does make a difference. At the dedication of God's temple, God responded to Solomon's prayer with this: if my people, who are called by my name (e.g., CHRIST-ian), will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Can you imagine what our world would look like if all churches were truly "Houses of Prayer"? Would God not heal our churches, families, communities, nation, and even the world? Prayer matters. Maybe you can't make it every week, but what about every other week, or even once a month? Every little bit matters. Revival on a large scale will never happen without starting on a small scale - with you and me. Come to prayer meeting. No matter what you've allowed yourself to believe previously, your presence matters.

Schedule change: Starting 4/16, we will start prayer meeting at 7:30 PM instead of 8:00.

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