Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are You Operating on All Cylinders?

5.7 liter Dodge Hemi Engine
This engine is very potent. But it's not only powerful, it's efficient as well. For highway cruising or light acceleration, four of its eight cylinders shut down. So technically speaking, it would be possible to drive on four cylinders all the time for the life of the engine. But that would be a huge waste. If you were going to do that, you might as well drive a dinky 2002 Honda Civic with a 115 HP engine. No, given its 340 HP and 390 lb-ft. of torque, the Hemi was made for power. And truly, so are we. Last Sunday, we had the pleasure of having Rev. Don Hargis come to guest speak in worship service. He reminded us of Acts 1:8, which is when Jesus said that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. As believers, we all have the Holy Spirit living within us, and are made to go hard in our faith and with reckless abandon. We don't have constraints like fuel economy. The only limiting factor in our spiritual lives is how much we are willing to seek and obey God. In fact, in John 14:12, Jesus even said that we would do greater things than he has done. Amazing stuff. Unfortunately too many Christians are content to only lightly accelerate and cruise along through life, never fully experiencing the deep rumble of the Holy Spirit's power clicking on all cylinders. Don't be one of them, content to be underachievers. This week, resolve to seek and obey God with reckless abandon and experience his mighty power in your life. And as you fulfill your potential and experience the life that you were meant to live, you'll be amazed at what he will do in you and through you. But don't take my word for it, take God's.

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