Thursday, October 30, 2008


Next Tuesday we will have our general election. The big news is Obama vs. McCain, as well as Proposition 8. But did you know that Prop 8 is just one of 12 propositions that will be on the ballot? I sure didn't.

There's more at stake than just the definition of marriage on this ballot. There's also a measure that wants to ensure parental notification before their daughter has an abortion (Prop 4), not to mention other various issues of importance.

The website of the California Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, contains a lot of information regarding the 12 propositions. They are located here. Scroll down a bit to get to the heading: Propositions that are on the November 4, 2008, General Election Ballot

Clicking on each individual proposition takes you to the "Title and Summary" of each. At the top of the page are links entitled: "Analysis," "Arguments and Rebuttals," and "Text of the Proposed Law." These links are very informative in helping you to decide what to vote for and against.

Especially helpful is the "Arguments and Rebuttals" link, as you can read about both sides of the argument in a particular issue.

Please, please, please take the time to look over the issues and vote as God would have you. The ballot you will be voting on next week has a lot more at stake than you may realize.

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