Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Fish Story

Found this on the internet...

A guy who lives at Lake Conroe (50 miles north of Houston) saw a ball bouncing around kind of strange in the lake and went to investigate. It turned out to be a flathead catfish who had obviously tried to swallow a basketball which became stuck in its mouth!!

The fish was totally exhausted from trying to dive, but unable to because the ball would always bring him back up to the surface. The guy tried numerous times to get the ball out, but was unsuccessful.

He finally had his wife cut the ball in order to deflate it and release the hungry catfish. You probably wouldn't have believed this, if you hadn't seen the following pictures... Be kinder than necessary. Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

This was probably some sort of "feel good" internet posting, but there great truths in it nonetheless. Sometimes people can be a little less than kind to one another, but if we all spread some of God's grace around, realizing even other people have bad days, then maybe we will just shine the light that is God's in the darkness that we all face at one time or another.

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