Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Now?

President-elect Barack Obama

Now that the dust has settled and the election is over, some might say that any hope that Christians may have had about turning our country's moral compass back to God seems to be fading fast. If you think that, you'd be wrong.

Maybe new laws will be enacted and liberal judges might be selected, thus taking our country farther away from God's idea of morality than we feel comfortable with. Maybe it's past that point already for you. But I would challenge you to rise up child of God, as the ball is now in your court.

Even if _______ (insert unGodly law here) was here to stay, but hypothetically speaking, if everyone in this nation were to live according to God's ways, the "rights" we have under our federal and state law would be moot.

What that means is this: now more than ever you must live in a manner worthy of your calling. You need to shine God's light and love in the darkness on an individual level. You need to be praying for people and sharing the Gospel! You can no longer hide behind your "conservative" candidate to do God's work on a national level for you.

And if at times you get really hopeless always remember this: Even the worst of governments and rulers (and I'm not saying ours falls into that category) could do nothing to stop God from accomplishing his will.

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