Friday, September 12, 2008

There's a War Outside Still Ragin'...

... you say it ain't ours anymore to win. Bruce Springsteen didn't know how right he was when he wrote those lyrics.

There is a spiritual battle going on around us 24/7 and whether you are Christian or not, you are involved.

The war is on for souls, but many Christians are either unaware of this battle or indifferent to it.

Although it is a spiritual war, its results can be plainly seen in the physical world, ranging from casual indifference to the truth to violent hostility towards Christ's followers. In fact, you can read about the persecution of Christians at the Voice of the Martyrs website here.

One way that we can better fight this battle is through prayer. We can pray that God would demolish the strongholds of Satan and lift the darkness from our loved ones that do not know him. We can pray for protection for those who face persecution or the threat of persecution daily.

Whether we realize it or not, we all contribute one way or another to this battle.
Indifferent or lukewarm Christians seem to help the cause of Satan more than God's. Lack of prayer inhibits God's work in our world. But on the flip side, Christians with fire brings light to the darkness. Fervent prayers of righteous prayer warriors usher in God's work in the world.
How have you contributed to this battle lately?

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