Thursday, September 18, 2008

Constructing a Baby

under construction?

An important distinction to make when thinking about the unborn is that while they are still in gestation, a living thing (like a human fetus,) is "under development." Contrast this with the incomplete creation of an innanimate thing (like a plasma TV or a car,) which is "under construction."

No one would look at a 50" aluminum frame and call it a TV. It's not a TV until it's completed and ready for use. Before it's completed, it's under construction.

But a human baby while still in gestation is under development. It's still a human, it's just not a fully developed human. This is an important distiction to make and is often cause for confusion when the controversial topic of abortion is discussed.

(Consider this: a one-month old baby girl is not capable of eating solid food, drinking water, reasoning or reproduction and therefore, still "not fully developed." But she's still human. The state of one's development has nothing to do with their value or quantification as a human. Why should a developing fetus be considered anything less than human?)

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