Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No Middle Ground for Abortion

Senator Joe Biden, when asked about his views on abortion, basically said that he accepts his church's teachings on when life begins, but wouldn't impose his personal beliefs on others.

Greg Koukl of Stand To Reason had a good response to Senator Biden's watered down convictions. In this excerpt from the STR blog, Mr. Koukl recounts his discussion with another man with a similar viewpoint as the Senator's:

I once had a discussion with a man who offered this nonsense to me at a conference. He said he was personally opposed to abortion, but didn’t think it was right to force his views on others. I asked him the question I always pose when I encounter such a feeble notion: “Why are you personally against abortion?”

He responded with the answer I always get. “I believe abortion kills a baby,” he said, “That is why I am against it. But that’s just my own personal view.”

“Let me see if I understand you,” I said. “You are convinced abortion kills an innocent child, yet you think the law should allow women to do that to their own babies. Did I get that right?”

He objected to my wording, but when I asked him what part of his view I misunderstood, he was silent. I hadn’t misunderstood it. That was his view.
The logic of the modified pro-choice position reduces to, “I think it’s wrong to kill my own children, but I don’t think we should stop other people from killing

Notice that this critique has nothing to do with whether abortion is right or wrong. That’s a different question. I am simply pointing out that the modified pro-choice view deals itself a fatal blow. That is Biden’s blunder, and the blunder of anyone else advancing such a foolish notion.

There's no middle ground for abortion rights. (Read the entire blog post here.)

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