Thursday, September 4, 2008

Living What You Believe

Politics aside, I believe as Christians we should be intrigued not by Gov. Sarah Palin, VP nominee as much as Sarah Palin, child of God. You may agree or disagree with her political and even religious views but you can't deny the lengths that she goes to in living out her faith.

When I speak of Gov. Palin living out her faith, I am referring to her son, Trig. It's one thing to say that you believe in the sanctity of life, but it's another when you actually have that choice to make. You can read about it here.

But this post is not specifically about abortion; it's about more than that. It's about living a life worthy of the calling God has for us. Believe it or not, the call to be a child of God, a fellow heir with Jesus is a lofty one and we need to live in a manner that is consistent with that, especially when things are tough!

For the vast majority of us, our everyday "tough" choices may not seem like such in the grand scheme of things. We struggle with things like, who we hang out with, what we watch on TV or movies, what music we listen to, or for a vast minority, sharing the Gospel with a friend or relative.

But really, the tough choice is this: will you deny yourself, carry your cross, and follow Jesus? Will you be obedient even if it is expensive, uncomfortable, or even downright painful? If Jesus is truly your Lord you will. Someone once said, "Jesus is not Lord at all if he is not Lord of all."

No matter how difficult the decisions that we face may be, as God's children we show what we believe by our actions. When the "rubber meets the road" what do your actions say about what you believe about God and his ways?

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