Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mosab Hassan Yousef

See the story of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a prominent Hamas leader. Hamas is a militant extremist organization that the United States Government considers a terrorist organization and Mosab has renounced it and renounced Islam in favor of Christianity.

This video is just a glimpse of this amazing young man's transformation and journey.

Mosab said of his conversion, "when I studied the Bible carefully verse by verse, I made sure that that was the book of God; the word of God for sure. So I started to see things in a different way - which was difficult for me, to say Islam is wrong."

He had an internal dialogue with the one Almighty God:
"Islam is my father. I grew up for (one) father — 22 years for that father — and another father came to me and told me, 'I'm sorry, I'm your father.' And I was like, 'What are you talking about? Like, I have my own father, and it's Islam!' And the father of Christianity told me, 'No, I'm your father. I was in jail, and this (Islam) is not your father.'"

Mosab made an incredible sacrifice in leaving his religion, his family, and even his safety behind. He likened the experience of leaving his family as "taking the skin off [his] bones." Nevertheless, he felt duty-bound to glorify his new King.
"My family is educated and it was very difficult for them. They asked me many times, especially for the first two days, to keep my faith to myself and not go to the media and announce it. But for me it was a duty from God to announce his name and praise him (around) the world because my reward is going to be that he's going to do the same for me."

But when asked how he feels about Muslims and their distortion of Chrisitianity and their evil and false world-view, he was gracious and compassionate.
"So definitely I started to figure out the problem is Islam, not the Muslims and those people — I can't hate them because God loved them from the beginning. And God doesn't create junk.

God created good people that he loved, but they're sick, they have the wrong idea. I don't hate those people anymore but I feel very sorry for them and the only way for them to be changed (is) by knowing the word of God and the real way to Him."

Read the complete story HERE.

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