Thursday, August 7, 2008

God or Genie?

Therein Lies the Rub... Or not!

One of the big life lessons that God has been teaching me lately is that he is God. Obvious, I know, but what does that really mean? It means that he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants. He is not a magic genie that is subservient to my wishes.

I remember a restaurant worker on a mission trip asked me once, "Does God answer prayer just to get you to follow him then stops answering prayer?" She asked this because she could see God's miraculous answers to her prayers before she became a Christian, but now that she has decided to follow him, he no longer seems to answer.

At the time I fumbled through some Sunday School double dribble God talk but the truth was that I really did not have a good answer for her. Or at least one that is acceptable to me.

Now I do.

If I could meet that worker again, I'd tell her this: God loves you and he still answers all of your prayers. It's just that the answers are not coming in the way that you'd like or expect. First he showed you his power and generosity. But now he is showing you his sovereignty, to keep you from being confused as to who is in charge. Even more valuable than his blessings is God himself, and that is what he is giving you.

Worship the Blesser, not the blessings. Besides, do we really have enough knowledge to always judge blessing from curse accurately anyway?

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