Monday, August 25, 2008

The "Agony" of Defeat, Part II

Notice the downed hurdle in lane 4

Jones once said she picked running hurdles because of it's parallels to life - that there will always be obstacles to overcome. Ironically, it is one of those obstacles on the track that may end up becoming an obstacle in her life.

But one of the amazing things I observed about Jones' loss was that even though she stumbled, she did not come in last. That means that even though she made a mistake, she kept running and finished as strongly as she could.

The Christian life is the same. There will always be obstacles. Stumbling over one of them is more a matter of "when" than "if." But the cool thing about God is that no matter how badly we have stumbled in the past, with God we always have a chance to finish strongly.

Maybe you are going through some difficulty now. You have the choice: give up or finish strongly. What will you choose?

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