Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lessons from a Bag of Onion Rings, Part II

Moments before the feeding frenzy

As you ponder the truth of the last post, there is another lesson that can be gleaned from this "bag 'o grease" as some call it, which is that in order to best share our God with others, we need to all "taste and see that the Lord is good" first.

I have to admit that I loved those rings! Even now my mouth waters just thinking of having a plate of those hot and crispy deep fried rings of joy in front of me. Because of this, it was so easy to tell others about them.

How great is God to you right now? Of course the Sunday School answer is, "Really great. The greatest thing that is in my life."

But really, is God greater than a bag of onion rings to you? Do you look for opportunities to talk about his goodness with others as you would your favorite food? The better God "tastes" to you, the easier it will be to obey his commands to be his witnesses . Take some time to "taste and see that the Lord is good" and sharing with others will come naturally.

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