Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hidden Talents

Mark "The Ping Pong Pistol" Tchao in Action

During the free time at summer camp I had the opportunity to play some ping pong with some really great players, one of which is pictured above. I knew I had no chance of beating "The Pistol" so I said that I would play him only if he would use the translucent plexiglass Alliance Redwoods paddle rather than his own.
Of course, I would get to use one of the good, expensive paddles, as an advantage of sorts for me. He agreed and the match was underway. The Pistol remarked early on how the plexiglass paddle was "dead" feeling and it was tough to put spin on the ball. Not that it mattered.
Although he was just toying with me, I still lost 4-11. Later I realized that I had made a major miscalculation: I had thought his power came from his expensive paddle. Little did I know that it was the glasses! Next time I will only play him if he takes off his "Fearless Fly" glasses.
( Can't compete with millions of megatons of energy!
Seriously, I did take something home from the match (besides a beating, I mean). And that is that people are much more than what you see at church. Besides being a trustee, charter church member, translator, and teacher, Mark is a man who also has mad ping pong skillz. Too often we fail to consider the whole person when we deal with people, especially those we are in conflict with.
We forget that they laugh, cry, hurt, and feel as we do, which is a big reason why the command of Jesus to "love your neighbor as yourself" is so neglected. If we at TCCBC treat others as we expect/want to be treated, as whole persons, that would go a long way towards unity in this body of Christ. This week let us strive to love others as Jesus loves us - warts and all.

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