Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Satan Hates YOU!

"I hate you and have a wonderfully destructive plan for your life."

You gotta admit, Mel Gibson's take on Satan is pretty darn creepy. If you saw him on the street, you'd want to walk the other way.

In reality, I think Satan is ridiculously beautiful. Like David Beckham beautiful. Unfortunately, what is inside him is more gross than Andrew Zimmern's food!

This morning as I was driving to church I was listening to a radio preacher who said that God loves us and has a wonderful plan for us. He also said that Satan, who tries to twist and destroy all that God creates, hates us.

Yesterday's video posted by Shawn is a moving testimony of both facts. I was thinking that it would be cool if someone made "Satan hates you and has a destructive plan for your life" tracts. Sometimes that which is negative can end up pushing you towards the positive.

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