Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Doing Scary Things, Part I

"I took a wrong turn and I just kept goin'..."

Campus Crusader Samantha Li spoke at our church this past Sunday and delivered a line I hope I never forget: "Taking steps of faith is just Christianese for doing scary things." What a great description!

If we are willing, God gives us God-sized tasks to do; tasks which we cannot accomplish on our own. If we could do everything without God, why would we need him? And that is what makes taking steps of faith so scary. We have no control. It's like driving a car with no hands on the steering wheel. In our hearts it feels like a car wreck waiting to happen!

But really, the people whose lives most resemble car wrecks are the ones who are NOT walking in obedience to God. If you are a believer, sooner or later you will be faced with a decision of whether or not to take a scary step of faith. What will you choose?

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