Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Love Lift Us up Where We Belong

Every Day Is a Sunny Day above the Clouds!
On my flight home from Denver I was reminded of a truth about God and his ways. Because of the clouds, the sky was dark and it seemed later than it was. But as we climbed to a higher altitude in our plane, the sun was quite evident.
Sometimes trials can mask God and his love, much like the clouds did the sun. Darkness surrounds us but God is there all the time; we just can't see him.
But when you get to the higher levels of faith, through obedience and spending time with God, you'll live at the highest levels, above the cares of the world, with a joy and peace that surpasses any trials that life can throw at you. This kind of living brings you in the realm of God, above the darkness.
That is why the Apostle Paul could sing hymns to God despite being chained to a post in the deepest, darkest bowels of a Philippian jail. Fly high and don't settle for anything less than that which God Almighty has ordained for you!

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