Thursday, July 10, 2008

Get in the Herd!

"I shoulda stayed with the herd!"

In the wild, predators usually attack when when an animal is separated from the herd. This is because there is strength in numbers such that even a small and weak animal has power through the sheer numbers of the herd. In contrast, even a strong animal separated from the others is vulnerable.

The Apostle Peter describes Satan as a lion who is on the prowl looking for someone to devour. Guess who's the easy prey? Anyone separated from the herd, and especially the small and weak in faith. Lone Ranger Christians beware!

Do yourself a favor and get in the herd! Find a group of brothers and sisters in Christ that you can join in order to best protect yourself from the attacks of Satan. Satan may still attack, but through the prayers and support of the herd, he will not be able to bring you down!

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