Saturday, December 27, 2008

When God Says, "No"...

It is easy to see how some people think that God is some sort of cosmic spoilsport, trying to keep everyone from having a good time. It seems like everything that's fun or comes naturally to us as humans are off limits.

But Joshua Harris gives a different perspective. He said that when God says "no" to something, it's really because he's saying "yes" to something better!

What a great perspective! It's great not only because it is a positive way of thinking about God and his ways, but also because IT'S TRUE! God wants to bless us with much more than we can even think of desiring for ourselves.

How often do you settle for scraps and crumbs when God has a sumptuous feast waiting for you? Don't settle for any less than God's best for you - you won't regret it.

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