Friday, December 5, 2008

Love Your Neighbor

Recently there has been a new addition to the neighborhood and I can't be more pleased. Her name is "Black Puddy." I don't know what her real name is but she looks something like this:

(Actor's portrayal of Black Puddy.)

She is very sweet and friendly and loves people. She lets me pet her and even tries to get on my lap when I sit on the curb. She is a little purring machine! I lament the fact that I have only been able to meet up with her just a short while before I move.

Ok, so what does this have to do with anything? I realized how much I love acceptance by this little cat. But I am not alone. We all crave love and acceptance from other humans, if not cats as well.

Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Do you crave love and acceptance? Of course you do. Then we also need to love and accept others as we would like to be loved and accepted.

I would like TCCBC to be a church that when a new visitor comes, he or she is made to feel like part of the family. Let's not allow ourselves to think that it's someone else's job to make people feel welcome at church. It all starts with YOU.

I challenge you to ask God to open your eyes and let him see as he sees when it comes to visitors to our church. When you begin to notice people standing by themselves with no one to talk to, then you will know that God is bringing you an opportunity to bring someone love and acceptance.

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