Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Read the Bible in a Year

One of my goals for the upcoming year is to start reading the Bible through every year. Ambitious, I know, but is there a better way to familiarize myself with the Word of God than reading it consistently? Of course, I'll just take it one year at a time, but that's my plan, anyway!
In seminary I met a man who had read the Bible through some 80 times or something ridiculous like that. Is it any wonder that he would possess a first-rate knowledge of the Bible?
I have a plan that combines both OT and NT reading at the same time, with assignments on M-Sat. only, with Sundays being a day of rest or for catch-up. If you would like a copy of it, please email me at and I'll send one out to you.
May God's Word bless you this year!


Andrew MSV said...

or you can upload the file on the blog and people can download it whenever.

thanks for keeping the blog going.

Gregg said...

yeah, shawn's been awful quiet lately... :)