Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Revive Us Again!

In light of the last few years in our church, it is obvious we are in desperate need of revival! We need the Living Waters flowing through us so that we can be refreshed and energized. But in order to be revived, we need to be willing to lay every aspect of our lives before the altar of God. That means there is nothing we will withhold from Jesus. We need to confess our sins and repent.

No longer can we be ok with "it's not that bad" in our lives. No longer can we be ok with, "I know I should but..." in our lives. No longer can we be ok with putting ethnic culture above God's. God and his ways need to come first all the time, every time. At the very least, we need to truly desire that above all else. Until we get to that point, we kid ourselves if we expect God to refresh us. Instead, we will continue to be a stagnating pool as we continue to hold onto the things that block the Living Waters from flowing in.

Let us decide this day as a church that we will not be satisfied with nothing less than God's best in our lives.

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