Thursday, June 26, 2008

No Dumping!

What the Hay?
Yesterday someone dumped their environmental waste on the church property - in front of the "No Trespassing" sign, no less! I for one am getting quite weary of people messing with our church.

But really, what can we do? In each of us, there is an internal moral compass that govern our actions. For example, if someone really wanted to break into a house, they could do it if they really wanted. Of course they'd have to pay the price if they were caught, but dogs, alarm systems, locks, and even threats of jail time, are nothing more than just deterrents.

So how can we be safe? Really the only sure-fire way is to redirect people's internal compasses. The only way that can be done is through the kind of life change that can only come through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Let us pray that he will change lives so that people will not mess around anymore. Let us pray that he will guide us as a church to do what we can to bring the light of Christ into the darkness of this area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so uncool. and right in Jachin's favorite parking spot too.