Friday, June 13, 2008

Just Do It!

Sometimes we are hesitant to move forward because we want a cue from God. We want God to send us a miraculous Outlook Calendar event that reads: "Thursday noon, Take Bobby to Lunch and Share Gospel."

Sometimes God works that way, but most of the time, He doesn't.

The majority of "walking in faith" is the actual walking part. James 2:20 says, "But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?"
Consider the hemorrhaging woman in Matthew 9...

A distressed woman who had had an incurable blood hemorrhage for twelve years secretly approached Jesus as he was mingling with a crowd of followers. Her thought was that Jesus would be able to heal her. But instead of asking to be healed as many others were doing in that time, she snuck up behind him to touch the hem of his garment. She thought to herself, "If I only touch His garment, I will get well." (Matt 9:21b)

Yes, she believed that she could be healed by touching the hem of Jesus garment (which, incidentally, is a pretty bold faith!) and Jesus indeed exhorted her by saying, "Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well." (italics mine).

But it was her actions that brought her to that point.

Is there something that you believe God wants you to do? Is there some way you need to give of your time, your energy, yourself? Is there someone God would like you to minister to? If you have even an inkling of it, I challenge you to JUST DO IT! and see if God doesn't turn your faithful action into a miracle.

I will do the same!

Press on.

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