Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Narrow Path

When you said narrow path, you sure weren't kidding!
Walking the narrow path to life is extremely difficult, which is why Jesus called it narrow in the first place. There are actually two ways to take Jesus' characterization of the Christian life. First, that few are saved in relation to the population at large. That makes sense. But second is that of those who have made that decision to follow him, few ever get to the place of God-first, sold out, reckless abandon discipleship to which Jesus calls us. This is the place where a man can leave a boat and walk on water. This is a place where a man can be beaten and chained in prison yet sing hymns to God. This is a place where one will lay down his life in order to find it. Heck yeah this is tough! If it weren't, all Christians would be doing it. But the cool thing about our God is that even if we are not currently on the narrow path, there will always be another on-ramp coming up. Get on and stay on the narrow path.

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