Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How High and How Wide?

No matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done (or are doing), Jesus loves you. It seems like right now in our world there is much to be desired in terms of blessing and hope. But that's why Paul prayed that the Christians at Ephesus would comprehend the love of God. It doesn't matter how bad you or your circumstances are, God loves you. The interesting thing is that when you look beyond your suffering, you will see God at work. Though there are people doing things they know they shouldn't as well as not doing things they know they should, there are others who at the same time are not doing things they know they shouldn't and are doing things they know they should. At this moment there are some who are experiencing the deepest grief of losing a loved one. But at the same time there are others who are experiencing the joys of parenthood holding their baby for the first time. In anyone's life there will always be ups and downs. But there is one thing that will always be constant, and that's how much Jesus loves you. And it is because of this love, no matter how low you are or even how high, as his child you have a bright future ahead of you. May you comprehend this week how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.

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