Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ah, to be young again!

"Dr. J" bringin' the thunder as Isaac watches in awe
Today we had an informal basketball outing at the park near the softball fields on Stevenson. It was an interesting day as we were able to play a full-court pickup game with a team comprised middle-school students (who by the way, were a great bunch of guys). Of course, having young legs, a coach, and five subs made for a difficult day for the TCCBC team. But we also played a couple of games of 3-0n-3, "legends" vs. "young guns" (Jachin, Isaac, & Hai vs. Justin, Albert, & me). Although I'm no spring chicken, it was great to be on the "young guys" team for once, especially since the trend so far has the younger team winning every single game, going back to the men's group. We probably have to start mixing the teams... But again, fun times were had by all. And if you see one of us walking a little gingerly tomorrow, you'll know why.

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