Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

See how a Living God can change the lives of ordinary people...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pray for Steven Curtis Chapman

Grammy-winning Christian music artist, Steven Curtis Chapman's adopted Chinese daughter was killed in a car accident when playing in her driveway Wednesday afternoon.

Tragically, she was only five years old. Even more tragically, it was her brother who accidentally hit her with the family SUV when he didn't see her playing in the driveway.

You can read more about the story here. But for now, pray for the Chapman family.

You can visit Maria Sue's official site here.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Narrow Path

When you said narrow path, you sure weren't kidding!
Walking the narrow path to life is extremely difficult, which is why Jesus called it narrow in the first place. There are actually two ways to take Jesus' characterization of the Christian life. First, that few are saved in relation to the population at large. That makes sense. But second is that of those who have made that decision to follow him, few ever get to the place of God-first, sold out, reckless abandon discipleship to which Jesus calls us. This is the place where a man can leave a boat and walk on water. This is a place where a man can be beaten and chained in prison yet sing hymns to God. This is a place where one will lay down his life in order to find it. Heck yeah this is tough! If it weren't, all Christians would be doing it. But the cool thing about our God is that even if we are not currently on the narrow path, there will always be another on-ramp coming up. Get on and stay on the narrow path.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ah, to be young again!

"Dr. J" bringin' the thunder as Isaac watches in awe
Today we had an informal basketball outing at the park near the softball fields on Stevenson. It was an interesting day as we were able to play a full-court pickup game with a team comprised middle-school students (who by the way, were a great bunch of guys). Of course, having young legs, a coach, and five subs made for a difficult day for the TCCBC team. But we also played a couple of games of 3-0n-3, "legends" vs. "young guns" (Jachin, Isaac, & Hai vs. Justin, Albert, & me). Although I'm no spring chicken, it was great to be on the "young guys" team for once, especially since the trend so far has the younger team winning every single game, going back to the men's group. We probably have to start mixing the teams... But again, fun times were had by all. And if you see one of us walking a little gingerly tomorrow, you'll know why.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Girl Born Before 24-Week Legal Abortion Limit

This event has far-reaching ramifications.
See for yourself:

The parents of a premature baby born below the legal abortion limit spoke of their 'miracle' after they took her home for the first time on Monday.

Ellie-Suzanne Fish was born four months premature on September 3 last year, five days before the current limit of 24 weeks.

She weighed 1lb 4.7oz and was given just a 10 to 15 per cent chance of survival then had to endure three operations, including two on the brain.

But she is now nine months old and a healthy 14lbs, and has been allowed out of hospital for the first time.

The rest here

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shooting Stars!

Roddy showing off his jumpshot
Saturday morning we had a fun time of 3 on 3 basketball for the Men's Group fellowship. The teams were Old School (Roddy, Jachin, and Gregg) vs. Young Fellas (Kerman, Mike, and Carlo). Unfortunately the Young Fellas had no respect for their elders and won three games in a row. They probably would have swept the best of seven series had Kerman not had to take Kira home. Michael "Jordan" Cheang set the tone early with his unstoppable play, although maybe calling him "Magic" would have been more appropriate because no one knows how all those shots were falling... Despite the lopsided outcome, fun times were had by all!

Friday, May 9, 2008

They're Playin' Basketball...

Don't forget that the Men's group is playing basketball tomorrow at 10am. We will be playing at the Mission San Jose Park (adjacent to Mission San Jose High School) close to the playground and bathrooms. If the court is too crowded, we may try and move to the Mission San Jose High School courts. All men, please come out for a time of fun and fellowship!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dishonest Gain

Today, the New York Post reports that Lindsay Lohan - famous child star turned infamous Hollywood gossip starlett - allegedly stole a fur coat from someone with whom she attended a private birthday party.

You can read the details on your own here, but this story made me consider what the psalmist meant when he said, in Psalm 119:35-37, "Incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain."

What is "dishonest gain"? It seems like just a fancy phrase for "stealing". In a sense, that is what it means, but it's more than that. The King James version uses the word, "covetousness"; the New Living Translation says, "love of money"; and the NIV says, "selfish gain". The original Hebrew word, "betsa" has a suggestion of violence in that dishonest gain - almost like the way a raider would plunder a village for spoils.

I'm not sure Lindsay Lohan was exactly "plundering" the coat room when she found someone else's mink coat to take home as hers, but certainly there is a malice present in such an act.
Consider this: You're driving along on a byway and the three lanes begin to merge into two. You follow along with everyone else; courteously allowing every other car to merge systematically, just as is expected of you. Suddenly, a guy speeds down the shoulder and bypasses thirty or so cars and swoops in front of you. Without discussing what our reaction would/should be - that's a topic for another post - isn't it clear that there is dishonest gain with a touch of malice going on here?

Not only did that theoretical guy disregard 30 or so other motorists and their urgency to get where they're going but he broke laws - legally stated laws as well as socially unstated ones - and he endangered other drivers with recklessness. For him to take what clearly did not belong to him was an act of malice. It's an active afront to the other drivers, it's not at all a passive act. When Lindsay took that coat, it wasn't because of an honest mistake. It was because she wanted it and thought she could get away with taking it.

Stealing comes in many forms. From the obvious stealing of a $11,000 coat that doesn't belong to you, to the less obvious avoidance of due process or taking your place in line. But in all cases of stealing, you harm someone else when you take what doesn't belong to you. So, let us echo the Psalmist's plea: incline our hearts to Your testimonies and not to dishonest gain!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How High and How Wide?

No matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done (or are doing), Jesus loves you. It seems like right now in our world there is much to be desired in terms of blessing and hope. But that's why Paul prayed that the Christians at Ephesus would comprehend the love of God. It doesn't matter how bad you or your circumstances are, God loves you. The interesting thing is that when you look beyond your suffering, you will see God at work. Though there are people doing things they know they shouldn't as well as not doing things they know they should, there are others who at the same time are not doing things they know they shouldn't and are doing things they know they should. At this moment there are some who are experiencing the deepest grief of losing a loved one. But at the same time there are others who are experiencing the joys of parenthood holding their baby for the first time. In anyone's life there will always be ups and downs. But there is one thing that will always be constant, and that's how much Jesus loves you. And it is because of this love, no matter how low you are or even how high, as his child you have a bright future ahead of you. May you comprehend this week how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.