Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Love Your Enemies, Part II

It would be tempting to just gloss over last week's post and forget about it, but I ask again: Can you imagine how much better God's church would be if we all strived to do this?

Maybe it might be more powerful to hear it said in this manner as opposed to a stick-figure cartoon:

It really is a shame that even in churches, God's people don't always do it for one another. Even sadder is the fact that rejecting Jesus' command is ultimately rejecting Jesus himself!

But do you want to know something funny? All it takes is one person to take Jesus' command seriously for God to unite people in Him. Ideally it would be from both sides but if just one person in an adversarial relationship decided to love their adversary and pray for him or her, it is easy to see how resolution can and will take place.

Are you willing to obey the one whom you call "Lord" and be the one?

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