Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fan or Follower?

Last week I heard a news report about a pastor of a church who started a website called "Not a Fan." Its purpose is for Christians to be able to discern whether or not they are truly a follower of Christ, or just a fan of his.

You can get more information here at his website: http://www.notafan.com/

Although the packaging of the concept is fresh, the concept itself comes from Jesus himself. He wants us to not just be converts, but disciples who will follow him even to the ends of the earth. That was the goal when he said to his disciples, "Follow me."

Don't just read this blog entry and forget about it. Take time to ask yourself: Am I just an enthusiastic admirer of Jesus, or do I truly follow him? What is one thing that you can do this week to help you be a better follower of Jesus?

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