Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Would You Say to This?

Imagine talking to a Muslim person and he says that he can prove that Jesus is not God, even using the Bible as his authority. He tells you to watch this video:

After watching the video with him, how would you respond? Would you be like the vast majority of believers whose strongest response would be, "You should talk to my pastor." Or would you be able to answer these arguments on your own?
Of course it should be the latter. You need to be able to defend your own faith, knowing what you believe and why you believe it!

I found this video on YouTube last week and was thinking about how important it is for us as Christians to know what the Bible says. I should not have been surprised to find that there exists such a thing as Muslim Apologetics.

The book I mentioned in Sunday's sermon about people from different walks of life coming to faith in Christ, called The Unexpected Journey by Thom Rainer, also mentions how important it is for believers to know the Bible.

How can you be a good witness to people of other faiths or even answer their questions if they know the Bible better than you do?
True, their interpretation may be faulty, but unless you know how to explain what the fault is and why it is faulty, in the worst case scenario, instead of drawing the other closer to Jesus, you may end up losing your own faith!

Spend time in God's word. Truth matters.

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