Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Deity of Christ

For those of you who are still wondering how orthodox Christianity came to the conclusion that Jesus is God (because you were too lazy, uh I mean busy to do your own research) consider these. They are not exhaustive by any means, but not too shabby being off the top of my head. I will let you find the references if you need them.
Jesus called himself, "I am." Doesn't mean much to us, but the Jews definitely knew what he was trying to say, that's why they wanted to stone him for blasphemy.
Jesus also never refused anyone's worship. For example, when "Doubting" Thomas responded to seeing Jesus' wounds, he said, "My Lord and My God." Jesus did not correct him, which would have been normal for all servants of God.
All the other heavenly beings (the good ones, anyway) always refused when someone tried to worship them, saying stuff like, "Do not do it, I am a servant just like you."
The Father was pleased with Jesus, which he would not have been if he were truly blaspheming.
Read your Bible! Know what you believe and why. It will make a difference in your life.

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