Tuesday, September 8, 2009

God Does God-sized Work

The blog entry title is the third point of my sermon a couple of days ago but I really want you to explore the ramifications of that statement. To help you get the ball rolling, watch this video about the universe:

Can you imagine how much power it would take to create the universe? That same God lives in you! Don't you think it's a little abnormal that the lives of the vast majority of Christians are so powerless?
If it is true that the God who created the universe lives in you, then why do Christians have lives that resemble people who don't have the Lord Almighty in them? We have been underachieving for so long that what is abnormal seems normal.
Actually, Jesus said that we would accomplish even greater things than he did on earth in John 14:12 - I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
The possibilities are: Jesus was wrong, lying, deluded, or correct. Here lies the tension. Of course Jesus was correct, but for some reason most Christians don't show it. It is something we only know cerebrally and have yet to experience it.
So what do we do? Cling to God with a tenacious death-grip and seek to obey with all you have. I am confident that if we give all we can to God, his statement will hold true for us. Let's stop the mediocrity in Christianity right now.

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