Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lessons from Alaskan Sled Dogs

The Scripture that was the foundation for our week in Alaska was taken from Isaiah 6:1-8. In verse 8, God asks, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"

Isaiah's response was, "Here I am. Send me!"

Driving back from North Pole to Anchorage on the last day of our mission trip, our group stopped at the Denali National Park. For me the highlight of the park was the dogsled demonstration. And during this demonstration, it was as if God were reconfirming the message of the trip.

On the video, you can hear all of the 32 dogs in their kennels barking as the ranger chooses dogs to be hitched up to the sled for the demonstration. What you don't see, is that prior to this, all the dogs were lethargic, most were sleeping.

But when the time came for some of them to be hitched up to the sled, they all seemed to wake up and started barking! It was as if all of them were yelling, "Pick me! Pick me!" The dogs were excited because they wanted an opportunity to do the thing which they have been bred.

(For the animal lovers, prior to retrieving the dogs, the ranger explained that the dogs' necks are really strong and being pulled in this manner does no harm to the dog. The dogs get so excited to be put on a sled that they might inadvertantly pull the ranger off her feet and cause injury.)

For some reason, we humans are different. We don't want God to pick us. And what that ultimately means is that we don't want to do the things for which God made us. We want to do our own thing and we agonize over why our lives don't go the way we think it should go.

Only when we completely surrender our lives to God and allow him to use us for the task for which we were created will we truly experience the joy that God has for us.

What will it take for you to learn the lesson that these sled dogs have already learned?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Make Your Summer Count

I came across an article today that gave 8 tips to make this summer count. The first two are:

1. Look at people with eternity in mind. Everyone has an eternity in front of them. We need to see them as God does and care for them like it counts.
2. Show some hospitality. Believers should be the people everyone else wants to be around. So be the person who invites everyone over for a cookout or a game night. Remember, you’re the ambassador for Christ so get into the lives of people living outside the Kingdom.

Read the rest of the article here.

You only have one life to live, better make it count!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In the Hands of God

Sometimes it is difficult to to submit one's self to God but there is no safer place to be than in his hands. As Dr. O.S. Hawkins once said during a sermon at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, "You should not fear that God would put his hands on you. Rather you should fear that God would take his hands off you."

Don't be afraid to fall in the hands of God.